Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Promise Poem For Mommy!

While I was playing and singing with the children, we came up with this cute little poem and I wanted to share it with all the mommies of the world.

Oh how I wish I could capture the innocence and put it in a bottle to keep it perserved forever! LOL!

Mommy I Promise

Mommy I promise to stay sweet

Mommy I promise to always be neat

Mommy I promise to never tell a lie

Mommy I promise to always try

Mommy I promise to always give my best

Mommy I promise to be quiet when you rest

Mommy I promise to eat all my food

Mommy I promise to always clean my room

Mommy I promise to listen & obey

Mommy I promise to not go astray

Mommy I promise to stay the apple of your eye

Mommy I promise not to whine or cry

Mommy I promise to take good care of my things

Mommy I promise not to be mean

Mommy I promise not to fight
Mommy I promise to always love you and give you kisses & hugs goodnight

By: My Children.....with a little help from mommy :-)


Mrs. T said...

Very cute, I love that picture as well!

Kelli said...

Your new blog looks wonderful, Mrs. Monise! This little poem is precious...I love it!